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NIC 2022: Lesley Riddoch

NIC 2022: Lesley Riddoch - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
25. nóvember 2022 15:30 til 16:45

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar


Aðgangur ókeypis

Lesley Riddoch fjölmiðlakona flytur opinn fyrirlestur um tengsl Skotlands og Norðurlandanna á ráðstefnunni NIC 2022: Alþjóðlegri ráðstefnu um þvermenningarleg samskipti. Fyrirlesturinn nefnist Scotland – Nordic or just stuck in a Nordic Twilight? og verður haldinn í Auðarsal í Veröld, föstudaginn 25. nóvember kl. 15:30-16:45.

Nánari upplýsingar á síðu ráðstefnunnar.

Um fyrirlesarann:

Lesley has been Director of Nordic Horizons since 2010 – a policy group which exchanges expertise between the Nordic nations and Scotland. Nordic Horizons arranged large scale events like the Arctic Fringe, which preceded the formal Arctic Forum in Edinburgh in 2017. In 2015 she launched the Nordic House exhibition of Arctic landscape art and photographs which toured Scotland for four years and completed a PhD supervised by Oslo and Strathclyde Universities in December 2019, producing a book on the same subject published in August 2020; Huts, a place beyond. Lesley Riddoch is also one of Scotland’s best-known commentators and broadcasters. She is well known for broadcasting with programmes on BBC2, Channel 4, Radio 4 and BBC Radio Scotland, for which she won two Sony speech broadcaster awards.

For more information visit

Lesley Riddoch.

NIC 2022: Lesley Riddoch