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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Meðferð krabbameina með virkjun ónæmiskerfisins

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Meðferð krabbameina með virkjun ónæmiskerfisins - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
23. mars 2023 12:00 til 13:00


stofa 201

Aðgangur ókeypis

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs 23. mars kl. 12:00 í Læknagarði, stofu 201

Fyrirlesari: Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir, pediatric allergist and immunologist, Department of Immunology at Landspítali – The National University Hospital of Iceland and Domus barnalæknar


Titill: Can we cure cancer? - Treating cancer with adoptive cellular therapy. 


Melkorka finished her Cand. Med from the University of Iceland, faculty of medicine in 2005 and studied pediatrics at the University of Connecticut in Hartford, USA in 2008-2011. She studied allergy and immunology at the Children‘s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), USA in 2011-2014. Melkorka received her certification from the American Board of Pediatrics in 2011 and from the American Board of Allergy and Immunology in 2013. Melkorka is doing her PhD on immunotherapies for cancer at the University Hospital of Oslo (Oslo Universitetssykehus) and works at the Department of Immunology at the Landspítali – The National University Hospital of Iceland and at Domus pediatrics (Domus barnalæknar).


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Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Meðferð krabbameins með virkjun ónæmiskerfisins