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Vinnustofa um hagsmunagæslu og málsvarahlutverk félagasamtaka

Vinnustofa um hagsmunagæslu og málsvarahlutverk félagasamtaka - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
17. janúar 2018 16:45 til 17:45



Aðgangur ókeypis

Félagsráðgjafardeild, Stjórnmála-fræðideild, Fræðasetur þriðja geirans og Almannaheill Samtök þriðja geirans bjóða til vinnustofu 17. janúar frá 16.45-17.45 í stofu 105 Odda. Vinnustofan verður sem leidd af prófessor Jeannie Fox við Hamline University School of Business og fer fram á ensku.

Your organization makes a difference to the people you serve and who believe in your mission. Have you figured out a way to engage constituents in creating long-lasting social change? If not, you are missing out on fully meeting mission. This workshop will explore ways to capture the energy of your members to engage them in creating lasting local, regional and national impact.

This workshop is designed to be a practical, introductory training on strategies for effective nonprofit advocacy and lobbying. Participants will discuss the role of nonprofits in a civil society and in shaping public policy. Attendees will explore direct and grassroots lobbying techniques as well as strategies for earned or paid media. Every individual will leave with the first steps of developing a public policy plan for their organization. Multiple staff and or staff/board combinations of attendance is encouraged. Workshop participants will also explore ways of shaping public opinion about their issues and the importance of issue advocacy. The presenter will solicit real examples from organizations present to identify policy priorities and avenues for change. Lastly, the use of social media and social movements as a way of creating change will be explored. 

Professor Fox has over 20 years experience in nonprofit organizations and public agencies. She most recently served as chief of staff to former Minnesota Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie. Following a career as a senior manager in nonprofit direct service organizations, Fox lobbied on behalf of the nonprofit sector at all levels of government during a nine-year tenure as the deputy public policy director for the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. She previously held adjunct faculty positions at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Duluth campuses and was a 2012 State Department Legislative Fellow in the Dominican Republic. Fox’s publications include chapters in the textbooks, “Nonprofit Management 101” and “The Lobbying and Advocacy Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations.”

Professor Fox has over 20 years experience in nonprofit organizations and public agencies. She most recently served as chief of staff to former Minnesota Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie. Following a career as a senior manager in nonprofit direct service organizations, Fox lobbied on behalf of the nonprofit sector at all levels of government during a nine-year tenure as the deputy public policy director for the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. She previously held adjunct faculty positions at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Duluth campuses and was a 2012 State Department Legislative Fellow in the Dominican Republic. Fox’s publications include chapters in the textbooks, “Nonprofit Management 101” and “The Lobbying and Advocacy Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations.”

Vinnustofa um hagsmunagæslu og málsvarahlutverk félagasamtaka