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Vinnustofa: “Do what you love” – The role of emotions in language teaching and learning

Vinnustofa: “Do what you love” – The role of emotions in language teaching and learning - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
23. nóvember 2019 10:00 til 12:00

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

stofa 107

Aðgangur ókeypis

Maria Del Pilar C. Coello stýrir vinnustofu fyrir tungumálakennara í Veröld – húsi Vigdísar, stofu 107, þann 23. nóvember kl. 10:00-12:00.

„Emotions have a significant impact on the learning process; they can motivate students and foster their involvement in practising a foreign language. The aim of this workshop is to examine the role of emotions in the foreign language classroom and suggest practical activities for vocabulary and language acquisition.“

Vinnustofur kennara eru samstarfsverkefni STÍL – samtaka tungumálakennara á Íslandi, Vigdísarstofnunar og Tungumálamiðstöðvar Háskóla Íslands.

Vinnustofan er þátttakendum að kostnaðarlausu og engrar skráningar er krafist. Boðið verður upp á morgunkaffi.  Ath. að vinnustofan fer fram á ensku.


Vinnustofa kennara: “Do what you love” – The role of emotions in foreign language teaching and learning

Vinnustofa: “Do what you love” – The role of emotions in language teaching and learning