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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Rafeindasmásjár kjarnaeining

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Rafeindasmásjár kjarnaeining - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
14. nóvember 2019 12:00 til 13:00


stofa 343

Aðgangur ókeypis

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs Háskóla Íslands fimmtudaginn 14. nóvember kl. 12:00 í Læknagarði, Vatnsmýrarvegi 16, stofu 343

Titill: The electron microscope core facility at BMC

Fyrirlesari: Jóhann Arnfinnsson, Cand Real, verkefnisstjóri rafeindasmásjár kjarnaeiningar.

Ágrip: Electron microscopy gives the highest resolution for imaging of proteins and their location and relation to organelles in the cell. We can view the samples in TEM at a magnification from x150 to x100.000. The resolution of the scope can be down to 0.2 nm. The facility consists of a JEM+ 1400 120Kv electron microscope with Ruby, whole integrated high-resolution digital camera. We have a LKB-glass-knive maker, Richard-Yong ultramicrotome for trimming resin blocks and cutting semi-thin sections for light microscopy, Leica Trimming tool for trimming resin blocks and a Leica ultramicrotome with cryochamber. We furthermore have diamond knives for sectioning resin blocks and cryosectioning, Vitrobot freezing equipment and a computer for 3D constructions.

In the seminar an overview will be given of the machines and techniques available at the core facility. Techniques we want to develop further will also be discussed, such as CLEM (correlative light and electron microscopy) which combines the use of the electron and confocal microscopes; and 3D modelling.

Erindið fer fram á ensku, allir velkomnir.

Jóhann Arnfinnsson verkefnisstjóri rafeindasmásjár kjarnaeiningar

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Rafeindasmásjár kjarnaeining