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Notkun sýndarveruleika við meðferð á fælni

Notkun sýndarveruleika við meðferð á fælni - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
7. júní 2019 13:00 til 14:00


Stofa 158

Allir velkomnir

Dr. Oana Balan, lektor við University Politehnica of Bucharest flytur gestafyrirlestur undir heitinu Notkun sýndarveruleika við meðferð á fælni (Virtual Reality-based system for phobia therapy)


The presentation covers the field of Affective Computing and Emotion Recognition Systems from the perspective of a Virtual Reality-based system for phobia therapy that automatically adapts exposure scenarios based on the user's current emotional state.

I will present the conceptual design, implementation and evaluation of such a system that simulates stress-provoking real-world situations, accompanied by physiological signals monitoring (EEG, Galvanic Skin Response and Heart Rate), fear rate prediction and determination of the next level of exposure. I will discuss the challenges of designing the Virtual Reality environment, the Machine Learning techniques used for classification and present the results of an experiment with subjects who suffer from height intolerance.

Fyrirlesturinn er haldinn á vegum Iðnaðarverkfræði-, vélaverkfræði- og tölvunarfræðideildar Háskóla Íslands.

Dr. Oana Balan

Sýndarveruleiki fyrir meðferð á fælni