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Samfélagsleg áhrif hug- og félagsvísinda

Samfélagsleg áhrif hug- og félagsvísinda - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
20. ágúst 2019 8:45 til 21. ágúst 2019 13:30

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar

Stofa 007

Aðgangur ókeypis

Ráðstefna norræna rannsóknanetsins, NORSSHVALUE, um samfélagsleg áhrif hug- og félagsvísinda verður haldin í Veröld – húsi Vígdísar þriðjudaginn 20. ágúst frá 9:00-17:00 og miðvikudaginn 21. ágúst frá 9:00 til 12:15. Á ráðstefnunni verður fjallað um hvaða áhrif hug- og félagsvísindi hafa og geta haft á félagslega þróun og hvernig hægt er að leggja mat á framlag rannsókna á þessum sviðum. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku.

Vinsamlega skráið þátttöku hér.

Dagskrá (á ensku):

Tuesday 20 August

  • 8:45 Registration and coffee


  • 9:00 Paul Benneworth (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway): Introduction to the NORSSHVALUE seminar series
  • 9:30:Claire Donovan (Brunel University, UK): Assessing the Broader Impacts of Publicly-funded Research
  • 10.00 Q&A
  • Coffee break: 10:15-10:45

Session two: Policy Overview

  • 10:45 Asdis Jonsdottir: (Ministry of Science, Education and Culture, Iceland) Science Policy and Impact at a time of budgetary reform – the case of Iceland
  • 11:15 Henrik Halker: (Aalborg University, Denmark) Danish universities and the changing discourse and practices of SSH impact
  • 11:45 Marta Wróblewska: (National Centre for Research & Development, Poland) Assessing impact in Poland
  • 12:15 Roundtable Discussion

Lunch: 12:30-13:30

Session three

  • 13:30 Gunnar Sivertsen (NIFU, Norway) Normal versus extraordinary impact. Understanding and evaluating societal relations in the social sciences and humanities
  • 14:00 Silje Termann (NIFU, Norway) & Reetta Muhonen (Tampere University, Finland): Reflecting the limits of reporting societal impact for research evaluation purposes – cases of UK and Norway
  • 14:30 Guðrún Nordal (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies & The University of Iceland, Iceland) The question of impact from the Nordic perspective
  • Coffee: 15:00-15:30

Session four: Policy Roundtable

  • 15:30-16:30 This Roundtable will seek to answer four important questions: 1. How should SSH researchers be creating value for Nordic societies? 2. What kinds of value for Nordic society can SSH research create? 3. What is done well & not so well in terms of impact creation in the Nordic region at the moment? and 4. What can policy makers do to support that (whether at the Ministry, Research Council, Rector or Dean level)?
  • 16:30-17:00 Closing remarks.

Wednesday 21 August

Session five

  • 9:00 Marta Wróblewska (National Centre for R&D, Poland): Assessing Impact in Different Academic Cultures: UK, Norway, Poland
  • 9:30 Laura Himanen (Tampere University, Finland) Evaluating societal impact in Finland
  • 10:00 Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson & Elsa Haraldsdóttir (The University of Iceland, Iceland) Analyzing societal impact through dialogue
  • Coffee: 10:30-11:00

Session six

  • 11:00 CLOSING KEYNOTE: Eleonore Belfiore (Loughborough University, UK): Does arts and humanities research matter? Reconciling matters of ‘value’ and ‘impact’
  • 11:30 Q&A
  • 11:45 Paul Benneworth, closing comments & reflections

Heimasíða ráðstefnunnar.