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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - How did the horse lose its stripes?

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - How did the horse lose its stripes? - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
18. október 2018 12:00 til 13:00


stofa 343

Aðgangur ókeypis

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs 18. október kl. 12 í stofu 343 Læknagarði

Fyrirlesari: Dr. Freyja Imsland, nýdoktor á rannsóknastofu Eiríks Steingrímssonar, Læknadeild

Titill: How did the horse lose its stripes?

The ancestral colour of equids is Dun, a camouflage colour pattern characterised by stripes and gradients of variably intense pigmentation. The only wild horses left in the world that are not descended from modern domestic horses, Przewalski's horses (also Mongolian wild horse or Takhi), are exclusively Dun in colour like ancestral equids were. Most modern horses are in contrast non-dun in colour, with Dun horses being a relative rarity, many breeds being solely non-dun, or having only very few Dun individuals. The Icelandic horse, however, has plenty of both Dun and non-dun individuals.

Mapping the Dun locus led to the discovery of an allelic series explaining the phenotypic diversity seen in non-duns, and some unexpected insights regarding predomestic horses. It revealed that the transcription factor TBX3 has a role in equid pigmentation, in spite of not previously being linked to the pigmentary system. TBX3 expression lays the foundation for finely tuned radially asymmetric pigmentation of individual hairs, marking another new discovery, as only symmetrically even hair pigmentation was previously known.

Photo: Dr. Freyja Imsland with a non-dun foal (Photo: Páll Imsland)

Dr. Freyja Imsland hjá folaldi sem ekki er álótt (Mynd: Páll Imsland)

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - How did the horse lose its stripes?