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Ný tækifæri og áskoranir í erlendri tungumálakennslu

Ný tækifæri og áskoranir í erlendri tungumálakennslu - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
13. nóvember 2019 10:30 til 12:00

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur


Eindið fer fram á ensku

Gestafyrirlesarinn Kaisa Hahl frá Háskólanum í Helsinki flytur erindi um nýjar áskoranir og tækifæri fjölmenningarsamfélaga varðandi erlenda tungumálakennslu. 

Nánar um erindið sem verður flutt á ensku:

The diversification of societies, inclusion of different learners, and globalisation are some of the factors that are changing the platform for foreign language teaching (FLT) in the schools. In this session, we will bring up some of these factors in more detail and discuss the needs and opportunities for new didactical approaches in FLT. We will problematize these situations and discuss what challenges may lie ahead. The changing compositions of pupil groups demand new skills from teachers, including managing diverse learners and differentiating teaching. For example, early teaching of foreign languages has gained popularity in Europe in recent years and Finland will also start this country-wide in January 2020. However, this also brings about needs for teachers’ further education. This session welcomes active participation.

Gestafyrirlesarinn Kaisa Hahl frá Háskólanum í Helsinki flytur erindi um nýjar áskoranir og tækifæri fjölmenningarsamfélaga varðandi erlenda tungumálakennslu. 

Ný tækifæri og áskoranir í erlendri tungumálakennslu