Að vera kirkja díakoníunnar á tíma loftslagsvár
Stofa 229
Guðfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands býður til opins fyrirlesturs Ninnu Edgardh, prófessors emerita við Uppsalaháskóla.
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 229 í Aðalbyggingu Háskóla Íslands þann 6. mars kl. 12:30-14:00. Einnig verður hægt að fylgjast með fyrirlestrinum í streymi á Zoom.
Aðgangur ókeypis og öll velkomin.
Um fyrirlesturinn
In her lecture Ninna Edgardh will highlight the potential role of Christian diakonia in the present challenges to the wellbeing of humans and the whole planet. Exhaustion is central to her analysis of the present crisis, related to ideals of unlimited financial growth, not counting in the need for care and justice. Exhaustion occurs on an individual level, on a societal level and on the level of whole eco-systems. The situation challenges Lutheran churches in their traditional separation of law and gospel, often degrading diakonia to a secondary role of turning the proclaimed gospel into action. Today diakonia gains increasing interest as a central feature of the Christian church and Edgardh argues that it potentially has an important and in fact unique role. Proclaiming the gospel in the present time as the gospel of diakonia challenges Anthropocene as the ultimate goal of humanity.
Um fyrirlesarann
Ninna Edgardh is professor emerita in ecclesiology, especially social and diaconal studies, at Uppsala University, Sweden. She has written extensively on the role of the churches in the European Welfare systems, as well as on the role of deacons in the ministry of the Christian church. Gender aspects are central in her writing, as are the threats of climate change and the extinction of species.
Ninna Edgardh, prófessor emerita við Uppsalaháskóla.