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Vefmálþing: Cultural Production and Language Futures: Perspectives from Sápmi

Vefmálþing: Cultural Production and Language Futures: Perspectives from Sápmi - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
2. febrúar 2022 15:00 til 16:45


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Í tilefni af Alþjóðadegi Sama býður Vigdísarstofnun - alþjóðleg miðstöð tungumála og menningar til vefmálþingsins Cultural Production and Language Futures: Perspectives from Sápmi þann 2. febrúar 2022, kl. 15:00-16:45.

Málþingið fer fram á ensku í gegnum Zoom (upplýsingar um skráningu hér fyrir neðan).

Nánari upplýsingar og dagskrá:

The event is planned as a moderated discussion, combining both academic and on-the-ground insights, on aspects of the perspectives, practises and challenges of the cultural production in Sámi languages. We bring together experiences from various regions and stakeholders of Sápmi, hoping to inspire a larger platform for discussion on the importance of cultural production for the preservation, revitalisation and support of indigenous languages, as well as the general well-being of individuals and societies, particularly in the Arctic and Nordic region.

Opening remarks:

Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Member of the Steering Committee of the Global Task Force, IDIL 2022-2032

Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, Member of the Sámi Parliament in Norway 

Karin Skoglund, Coordinator at the Nordic Council of Ministers' Institute for Small Languages in the Nordic Region   


Sofiya Zahova, Vigdís International Centre 


Annika Pasanen, Professor at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences: New speakers, new functions, and new contents. Strengthening Sámi languages

Johan Sandberg McGuinne, President of Bágo (the Saami Writers' Association in Sweden): From passports to poems: Yoiking as a decolonial tool in Saami language revitalisation

Anne Lajla Utsi, Director of the International Sámi Film Institute: The importance of global indigenous film network


Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, Vigdís International Centre 

Questions from the audience


Sofiya Zahova, Vigdís International Centre

Viðburðurinn fer fram í gegnum Zoom. Vinsamlegast skráið þátttöku fyrirfram hér:

Skráðir þátttakendur fá senda staðfestingu og hlekk til að geta fylgst með fundinum.

Vigdísarstofnun - alþjóðleg miðstöð tungumála og menningar skipuleggur viðburðinn sem hluta af Alþjóðlegum áratugi frumbyggjatungumála 2022-2032 (IDIL 2022-2032) með stuðningi Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar og The Institute for Language and Folklore (Isof). 
