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Opinn fyrirlestur - Prófessor Georg Gartner

Opinn fyrirlestur - Prófessor Georg Gartner  - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
12. júní 2019 10:30 til 11:30


Stofa 132

Aðgangur ókeypis

Georg Gartner, prófessor í kortagerð við Vienna University of Technology, heldur opinn fyrirlestur sem ber heitið Without Maps we are Spatially Blind (Án korta erum við rýmisblind).

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram í Öskju, stofu 132, ,miðvikudaginn 12. júní kl. 10.30-11.30.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og er öllum opinn. Hann er haldinn í samstarfi við Land- og ferðamálaskrifstofu og Félag Landfræðinga.


We are living in a time where more spatial data is produced than ever before. The problem therefore is that we have almost reached the point of having too much data. We need to make more and more efforts, to deal with all those data in an efficient sense, mining the relevant information and link and select the appropriate information for a particular scenario. Here the particular need, demand, question or problem of a human user has to be taken into account, rather than relying on merely data-driven or technology-driven applications, products or systems.

In this respect maps and cartography play a key role. This lecture will give insights into how can we unleash the big potential of geo information in such truly interdisciplinary approaches better. It will give examples for how can we make sure, that spatial data is really applicable for governments, for decision makers, for planners, for citizens through applications, products, systems which are not forcing them to adapt to the system but are easy-to-use and efficiently support the human user.

Maps can be seen as the perfect interface between a human user and all those big data and thus enable human users to answer location-related questions, to support spatial behaviour, to enable spatial problem solving or simply to be able to become aware of space.

The lecture will show that Cartography is still relevant in today’s day and age, therefore that Cartography is modern and attractive as a discipline that probably matters more than ever in guiding us through the complex worlds of today and tomorrow.

Pófessor Georg Gartner.

Opinn fyrirlestur - Prófessor Georg Gartner