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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Human diversity and diseases

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Human diversity and diseases - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
6. maí 2021 12:00 til 13:00
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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs fimmtudaginn 6. maí kl. 12:00

Fyrirlesari: Dr. Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir, forstöðumaður erfðarannsókna hjá Íslenskri erfðagreiningu

Titill: Human diversity and diseases in the context of genomics, transcriptomic and proteomics

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Starfsferill: Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir received her Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in biology from the University of Iceland, and completed a PhD degree in genetics at the University of British Columbia in 1997. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratory of Experimental Hemato-Oncology and Gene Therapy Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal, and joined deCODE in 2000. Since 2003 she has led deCODE’s population genetics genetic work and is actively involved in wide range of genetic studies involving cardiovascular, metabolic, inflammatory and neurological diseases and cancers. From 2010 Unnur has been Vice President of Research at deCODE.

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Dr. Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir, forstöðumaður erfðarannsókna hjá Íslenskri erfðagreiningu

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Human diversity and diseases