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FRESTAÐ: Born, Bred, and the Undead: The Epistolary Novel and Irish Nationalism

FRESTAÐ: Born, Bred, and the Undead: The Epistolary Novel and Irish Nationalism - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
21. apríl 2020 16:30 til 17:30

Veröld - Hús Vigdísar


Aðgangur ókeypis

Jessica Murphy, aðjunkt í ensku við Mála- og menningardeild Háskóla Íslands, flytur fyrirlesturinn Born, Bred, and the Undead: The Epistolary Novel and Irish Nationalism, í Veröld - húsi Vigdísar, 21. apríl kl. 16:30.


This talk examines how the epistolary novel broaches the concepts of character, autonomy, and nationhood in the nineteenth century. Writing fictional works consisting of letters was a vehicle for select Irish authors to write back to the British Empire and to explore and define Irish identity, culture, and lore. 

Þriðjudagsfyrirlestrar Vigdísarstofnunar


Born, Bred, and the Undead: The Epistolary Novel and Irish Nationalism

Fyrirlestur: Born, Bred, and the Undead: The Epistolary Novel and Irish Nationalism