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Fyrirlestur: Revealing the Power of Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud

Fyrirlestur: Revealing the Power of Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
24. ágúst 2017 14:00 til 15:30



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Dr. Cheng Wang, prófessor og  varadeildarforseti við svið upplýsingavísinda og verkfræði við Xiamen-háskólann í Kína (e. School of Information Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, China) flytur erindi í Háskóla Íslands fimmtudaginn 24. ágúst kl. 14 í stofu 101 í Odda.

Dr. Cheng lýsir efni fyrirlestrarins svo: „The quick development of 3D point cloud sensors such as the mobile laser scanner opened an effective way to acquire large scale 3D geospatial measurements, which are generally in the format of unorganized 3D point clouds. How to manipulate the 3D point clouds as a new category of digital media? How to extract information from point cloud? How to exploit the potential of large scale point cloud through the Internet? Towards answering these essential questions, this lecture will present the recent works from SCSC Lab at Xiamen University in China.“

Fyrirlesturinn er opinn öllum á meðan húsrúm leyfir.